Matisyahu's Life
Profile anda a little more...
On tour tracks
Song Lyrics
Tour Dates 2013
Signature Beard
Uncovering Matisyahu
Articles through time

     If I had the opportunity to have a super power I would choose to have invisibility. I am usually a very active and outgoing person that speaks what is on my mind. I usually wear bright colors and many know who I am and where I’m at since I fortunately have many friends and usually go out all the time. With this power I would be able to be in places with no one noticing me and maybe see life with another perspective. I love the way I am but sometimes being alone is what I really need and this power would provide this for me.

1. Having two dogs is fantastic since I love them so much.
2. I love the beach.
3. I have 12 cousins.
4. Pizza is my favorite food.
5. I want to become an English teacher for both elementary and secondary.
6. I love colors.


    Hi! My name is Marisol and I am 20 years old. I am studying to become an English teacher for both Secondary and Elementary and I can't wait to start working. I am a very outgoing person, very friendly and trustworthy. You can always count on me!


    February 2013
    January 2013

