The items that I classified in social are social since they are things that usually bother others too. They are more generals things in society that I can't have control over them. On the other hand, the personal items are those little things that are too close to me and piss me off and I can't to anything about it at the moment and that drives me crazy.

Those items became social since they are things that surround me and that I can't do much about them. They are mostly all very different and I can't find much similarities between the items I chose, but the mayority have to do with the human body. For example: fighting, someone having boogers, dirty ears, being cold, sweaty, backache, period, acne, lack of excercise, being hungry, etc. These are all things produced by one's or other's body that I can't stand. 

1. Dirty ears: I had an extreme crush on the same guy for several time. I always imagined what would it be like if he would ask me out on a date or I would just imagine him kissing me. All of that went away the day he sat one stair below me and I saw inside his ear the most disgusting yellow-green thing that I almost puked myself! There hasn't been a day since that experience that I haven't used q-tips. I obviously did before, but now it is something I just HAVE to do. 

2. Spiders: I still don't know why, but since I was little I am terrified of spiders. Being arachnophobic is no fun for me since spiders are usually everywhere. I have cried many times because of having a spider near me. Once in highschool they brought me a dead tarantula and I almost fainted. Once my father showed me a frame with a dessicated  spider inside and I cried for like half an hour. spiders deffinetly creep me out.

Arachnophobia or arachnephobia  is a specific phobia, the fear of spiders and other arachnids such as scorpions.

The reactions of arachnophobics are often irrational (though not all arachnophobics acknowledge this irrationality). It is one of the most common specific phobias, and some statistics show that 50% of women and 10% of men show symptoms. It may be an exaggerated form of an instinctive response that helped early humans to survive, or a cultural phenomenon that is most common in predominantly European societies

The fear of spiders can be treated by any of the general techniques suggested for specific phobias. As with all phobias, the strength of the associations means the individual must not actively pursue the consequences, and outsiders should not in any way undermine and "play" with the phobia in the meantime.

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    Hi! My name is Marisol and I am 20 years old. I am studying to become an English teacher for both Secondary and Elementary and I can't wait to start working. I am a very outgoing person, very friendly and trustworthy. You can always count on me!


    February 2013
    January 2013

